How To Install a Water Heater. Installing a water heater using PVC & CPVC pipe and fittings. Installing a water heater is simple if you follow the instructions I will lay out today. Kindly look at the image below for a better understanding on how to install a water heater.
Water Heater Installation
The water heater you are viewing the installation takes place on October 18, 2021, and I decided to share it with the community, hoping to add some academic knowledge for those in need of it.
When Installing a water heater:
Avoid placing the water heater directly on the ground; if you look closely at the heater, you will notice that the heater is lifted from the concrete floor. After placing the water heater in its position, you need to begin working on the pipings.
Working on the setting of the pipes.
Look closely next to the water heater; you will see four pipes on the wall. The two brown pipes represent the Hot Water Pipes, or the better name for it is CPVC pipes. These CPVC pipes will take the hot water from the heater to the bathrooms, kitchen, washroom, and more. If you notice, on both of the hot water pipes, I have shutoff valves that control the water in different directions.
CPVC Ball Valves
Continue with the two CPVC pipes; you will notice that both tubes link together into one. The one line will then lead to the water heater on the left side while facing it.
Other Connections to the water heater/How To Install a Water Heater
You will see where the two pipes connect into one and another shutoff valve going to the heater. The other shutoff valve shut off hot water entirely from the house, whereas the previous two shutoff valves control different areas.
After the CPVC shutoff valve, a CPVC union is attached to the pipe; this union is essential to remove the water heater.
Following the CPVC Union is a Galvanize Elbow connected directly to the water heater. You may ask why I use a galvanized elbow? The galvanized elbow will be able to stand the hotness from the water heater.
The Coldwater Pipe Installation/How To Install a Water Heater
We discussed the four pipes on the wall next to the water heater; from the right, there are two hot water pipes and two cold water pipes to the left side. We are going to talk about The Two Cold Water Pipes, better known as PVC pipes connecting to the water heater.
The shutoff valve that is higher than the others is the Main Valve supplying water to the heater. The last valve to the left side provides water to the whole house. You will notice that the two pipes are also connected and combine into one leading to the water heater. As discussed earlier, the Hot Water Pipes, the same installation applies to The Cold Water Pipes above.
PVC Ball Valves
If you look above the water heater, you will see two valves; The Cold Water Valve sends water to the heater, and The Hot Water Valve takes the hot water to the house. Both Hot and Coldwater should have a Union connected just in case of maintenance services. On the top of the water heater, you will notice that I have two Galvanize Elbows for the installation work. These elbows are very important for heating purposes, as stated earlier in this article.
Linking Cold and Hot Water Pipes Together.
PVC Male Adopters
CPVC Female Adopters
I would like to bring one more piece of information to your attention concerning Linking The Cold Water and The Hot Water pipes together. I would like you to look at the Two Top Valves leading towards the water heater. The White Cold Water Pipe has a different connection after the shutoff valve. I connect a 3/4-Inch PVC Male Adopter into a 3/4-Inch CPVC Female Adopter; in that way, you will only have Hot Water Pipes connecting to the heater. Note: It is not wise to connect Cold Water Fittings close or direct to the water heater because it will melt the fittings and cause waterflood.
Quality Installation Services/How To Install a Water Heater
To give quality installation service to your customers, you must carry out the work professionally.
Your work must be clean
Shutoff valves are a must
Union Connection must install on the heater
And only hot water fittings are connected to the heater.
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