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What time to replace a toilet quick guideline

The toilet is one of the most essential fixtures in any home. However, knowing when your toilet is beyond repair and needs to be replaced can be challenging. Begin by stuffing a couple of rags into the hole in your floor that will be exposed when you remove the toilet (it’ll be pretty stinky). Next, […]

The ultimate guide to setting up a toilet

Hi Visitors, kindly click the image for more blog posts and plumbing education or visit here>> The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Toilet. A toilet’s water supply line, tank, and base should be fully connected. After that, slowly turn on the water and check for leaks in three places: where the tank connects […]

Disable Seniors Toilet Sets

Disable Seniors Toilet Sets If you or someone you’re responsible for suffers from a disability or injury, getting on and off the toilet could be challenging due to losing strength, coordination, or balance. Luckily, there is a variety of toilet aids available to help. Disable Seniors’ Toilet Sets! These include a disabled toilet frame and […]

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