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Soda Toilet Cleaning Products. How to use soda in cleaning your toilet.

How to use soda in cleaning your toilet

How to use soda in cleaning your toilet

Minerals and rusty plumbing components can leave hard-to-remove stains in your toilet. Start by emptying the bowl and scrubbing all surfaces with cleaning wipes or disinfectant spray. Coke has mild acidity and phosphoric acid, which helps dissolve mineral buildup and rust stains. Pour 1-2 cups of Coke around the rim of your stained toilet and let sit, preferably overnight. How to use soda in cleaning your toilet.

Baking soda

Using baking soda to clean your toilet can help you avoid harsh chemical cleaners that may harm the environment. This natural cleaning agent is inexpensive and readily available in many kitchens. It can also be used to remove tough stains and deodorize your toilet. However, following some precautions when using this cleaning method is essential. For example, you should wear protective gloves and ensure proper ventilation in the bathroom to prevent skin irritation.

Baking soda is a mild abrasive that gently scrubs away stains without scratching the porcelain surface of your toilet. It also acts as a natural deodorizer and can kill bacteria and viruses. For extra scrubbing power, add baking soda to hydrogen peroxide. Pour one cup of baking soda into your toilet bowl to make a homemade toilet cleaner. Then, slowly pour one cup of vinegar over the baking soda. The reaction will create fizz. Let the solution sit in your toilet for 20 minutes before flushing.

Nutricost Baking Soda (5 LBS) - For Baking, Cleaning, Deodorizing, and More. How to use soda in cleaning your toilet
Nutricost Baking Soda (5 LBS) – For Baking, Cleaning, Deodorizing, and More

Vinegar/How to use soda in cleaning your toilet

It seems odd to use an acid, like vinegar, to clean your toilet, but the acidity cuts through grime, eliminates stains, and stops odor. Just be sure to use white vinegar. According to Get Green Be Well, Apple cider vinegar has a lower pH and can stain porcelain.

Vinegar is beneficial for hard water because it dissolves mineral deposits and gunk buildup. Pour two cups of white vinegar into the toilet and let it sit for about a minute. Then, add a cup of baking soda. The mixture should start fizzing, indicating that the acid and base are reacting. Let the solution sit for ten minutes before scrubbing.

Amazon Brand - Happy Belly Distilled Vinegar, 128 Fl Oz (Pack of 1). How to use soda in cleaning your toilet.
Amazon Brand – Happy Belly Distilled Vinegar, 128 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

If your toilet is especially dirty, leave the vinegar in overnight. Be sure to flush afterward to rinse the bowl thoroughly. Vinegar also works as a substitute for commercial cleansers that are often harsh, irritating, and clog your drain pipes. It’s an excellent alternative for quick, nontoxic bathroom cleaners.

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Coke/How to use soda in cleaning your toilet

The sweet and bubbly carbonation in Coke can work wonders on gross toilet rings, lime buildup, and water stains. Its carbonic, citric, and phosphoric acids make it perfect for fighting tough stains and dissolving rust.

For best results, heat the soda in the microwave (be sure not to boil it) before applying it to your toilet bowl. This will increase the reaction and speed up the removal of the stains. Scrub your toilet with a toilet brush before and after using Coke to remove any lingering dirt or grime. The mechanical action of the brush will further loosen any remaining stains and help them dissolve more easily when you scrub them with traditional toilet cleaner.

Although Coke can be an excellent solution for many common bathroom stains, it may not be effective on some stains. For example, if your toilet is stained with blood or other dark stains, you may need to use more traditional cleaning methods, such as white vinegar.

Borax/How to use soda in cleaning your toilet

Borax is a white, powdery mineral containing boron and oxygen elements. Traditionally, it has been used as a laundry booster to remove stains from carpets, but it’s also excellent at cleaning toilets. It is especially effective at eliminating toilet rings and odors, as it breaks down stickiness so that you don’t need to scrub as hard. Sprinkle a quarter cup of borax into the bowl and leave it overnight. Scrub the next day and flush to eliminate stains and odors.

You can also use Coke to remove mold in the toilet tank. To do so, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda around the tank’s interior surfaces, paying particular attention to areas with stains or heavy buildup. Then, pour a bottle of Coke over the baking soda. The fizzing action of the Coke will break down deposits and dissolve odors. Let it sit overnight and scrub the following day.

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