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The best plumbing tips to learn from

The best plumbing tips to learn from

Plumbing is one of those skills everyone should learn a little about. It’s not easy, but it’s important to know what you’re doing if you want to avoid significant problems. These DIY plumbing tips will keep your home running smoothly and help you save money on repair bills. The best plumbing tips to learn from

1. Don’t Use Your Toilet as a Trash Can

Your toilet is meant to remove only human waste and toilet paper. Flushing anything else could lead to clogged pipes in your home and at the local sewer treatment plant.

Things like sanitary products, cotton swabs, plastic, hair, and food scraps can all cause costly drain clogs. It is best to throw these items away in the trash can.

It is also important to regularly empty the traps under sinks. Doing so will reduce odors and prevent blockages in the plumbing pipes. Avoid using liquid drain cleaners, as these can damage your plumbing pipes. Instead, occasionally pour boiling water down the drains to keep them clean.

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2. Don’t Drill Holes in the Wall

Even if you don’t plan on doing any major DIY projects around the house, it is essential to be careful when drilling holes in your walls. Pipes, electrical wires, and gas lines are all hidden behind your drywall. Hitting one of these can be extremely dangerous and cause expensive damage.

To avoid hitting anything critical, put a masking tape on the Wall where you plan to drill. Then, when you hit resistance, stop shooting and check the area for pipes. This will help you save money, headaches, and potential water damage in the future. Plus, it’s much easier to fix than a broken drain line.

3. Keep Your Drains Clean/The best plumbing tips to learn from

Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing problems. Keeping them clean is essential to avoid costly repairs down the road.

Avoid pouring cooking grease, coffee grounds, and soap scum down your drains. Instead, dispose of these items in the trash or add them to your compost pile.

Also, remove hair from shower drains regularly and use a drain grate over kitchen sinks. Finally, a weekly hot water flush can help dislodge any gunk stuck in your pipes. It only takes a few minutes and can save you the hassle of dealing with a clogged drain down the line.

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4. Don’t Overfill Your Sink

Your home’s plumbing system does a lot for you, and it can be easy to take for granted until something goes wrong. Luckily, many of the most common problems can be avoided with just a little prevention.

One of the best plumbing tips is never to overfill your sink. This can lead to a clog and even water damage. Using a sink strainer to catch hair and other items that may fall down the drain is also essential.

To prevent odors, clean the drain trap often. You can create a funnel from heat-resistant silicone and slowly pour boiling water into the drain to loosen any buildup.

5. Don’t Overuse the Plunger

While it may seem counterintuitive, plunging a toilet more than once can break the seal that creates suction. This makes it more difficult to dislodge the clog.

Never flush wipes, even products marketed as “flushable.” They can cause severe damage to home plumbing systems and sewage pipes. Only human waste and toilet paper should go down the toilet.

Learn how to use a plunger properly. It’s an effective tool for removing sink clogs, but you should also try kitchen ingredients like baking soda and vinegar or hot water with dish soap. These are more accessible and less expensive options than chemical drain cleaners.

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6. Use a Vacuum/The best plumbing tips to learn from

While you should always be cautious and seek professional help if you have a plumbing emergency, there are many things that you can do on your own to keep your pipes in good condition. From cleaning drains to catching small leaks, learning these tips and doing regular maintenance can save you money, headaches, and potential water damage. Knowing where your home’s shut-off valve is located can be very helpful in a crisis.

For example, if your kid gets a toy stuck in the drain, it is best to use a wet-dry vacuum rather than a plunger that will push the object more deeply into the gutter.

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