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Toilet Tank Repair Kit

When Should a Toilet Change?

When Should a Toilet Change

When Should a Toilet Change?

The toilet is one of the most essential fixtures in your home, so it’s important to keep it running correctly. If your toilet constantly clogs, leaks, or takes up too much water, it may be time for a replacement. When Should a Toilet Change?

Start by checking the toilet tank’s float height (a plastic ball or miniature cylindrical buoy). Adjust it if it isn’t at the proper level by screwing it up or down.

1. Clogs/When Should a Toilet Change?

Having an occasional clogged toilet is okay, but it’s time for a replacement if yours is clogged often or has constant problems. This could be a sign of a more significant problem with the plumbing, and only a plumber can properly scope the drain line or vent pipe to find the cause. Visit Here>>

Clogged drains can be caused by anything from “flushable” wipes to feminine hygiene products and toys that kids have flushed down the toilet. Reminding family members what goes down the drain and keeping trashcans handy can help keep foreign items out of your toilet pipes and reduce clogs. A clogged drain can also damage your toilet and the surrounding lines, requiring expensive repairs or replacement.

2. Broken Parts

While toilets are built to last a lifetime, they can break down occasionally. Luckily, toilet parts are easy to replace and can often be done in the home with simple tools.

Toilet Tank Repair Kit
Fluidmaster K-400H-021-P8 PerforMAX 2-Inch Everything Toilet Repair Kit, No Size, Multicolor

If your toilet is constantly running, it is likely due to a broken flapper or fill valve. Replacing these will stop the water flow and save you money on utility bills.

Other common toilet problems include a rusted or stuck handle. If this is the case, a new handle should be purchased. It is essential to match the make and model of the tank with the handle to ensure that it is a good fit.

The float rod in your toilet’s flush valve may also be a problem if it’s falling apart or unable to form a secure seal. Examining these components frequently for signs of wear and tear is essential. On the other hand, cracks in the porcelain should not be ignored because they’re breeding grounds for bacteria and are hard to clean.

3. Water Leaks/When Should a Toilet Change?

A toilet that is leaking water needs to be replaced. A small crack in the porcelain can quickly become a significant, unattractive hole breeding ground for bacteria and a nightmare to clean. Water leaks also lead to expensive water and sewer bills.

ELLAI 1/1.6 GPF Dual Flush Toilet, Two-Piece Toilet with Elongated Seat, Toilets for Bathrooms Comfort Height
ELLAI 1/1.6 GPF Dual Flush Toilet, Two-Piece Toilet with Elongated Seat, Toilets for Bathrooms Comfort Height

The first thing you need to do is shut off the water supply valve behind your toilet. This can be done by turning the handle or knob clockwise. Then, you can remove the tank and drain it for a better look at the problem area. You can also use a dye tab or food coloring to test the water in your toilet tank.

Check for broken components like the flapper, tank ball, or seat disc. These can wear out from age or hard water mineral deposits and cause the fill valve to open too soon or not stay closed. Also, a rusty water supply lock nut or disintegrated tank bolt could be the culprit.

4. Old Age

A toilet may seem like a small, insignificant fixture, but it plays an essential role in our daily lives. If yours starts to wear out or needs constant repairs, it may be time for a replacement.

A common sign of a problem is if your toilet is constantly clogged. Rather than paying for repeated repairs, consider investing in a new one that is more efficient and less likely to break down.

You can also save on water bills by switching to a low-flow model. These use up to 50% fewer gallons per flush than older models and are great for the environment. Additionally, if you have an elderly family member who needs assistance bathing and using the toilet, consider investing in a taller model.

Higher Model Toilets. Raised Toilet Seat, Elevated Toilet Seat Riser with Handles Height Adjustable Legs for Elongated Standard Toilets 300 lbs Heavy Duty Bathroom Assist Safety Commode Frame White
Raised Toilet Seat, Elevated Toilet Seat Riser with Handles Height Adjustable Legs for Elongated Standard Toilets 300 lbs Heavy Duty Bathroom Assist Safety Commode Frame White

These have wider openings and grab bars and are designed to be easier for seniors. These are often ADA-approved and help prevent injuries from falls in the bathroom. The toilet should also have a seat that is easy for them to get onto and off.

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